You Control What You Feel And Do

150Keith JonesDecember 10, 2015

Whenever I catch myself feeling down, sad, angry or depressed, I consider what thoughts are triggering the feeling. What story have I created about a past event or one yet to happen? It’s important I know the “why” behind my emotions. This allows me to be in control of my actions. Instead of reacting to situations, I respond to them. This is a more powerful space to operate from.When I was younger I allowed my emotions to dictate my behavior. I recall an instance not long ago when a close friend stopped communicating with me. There was no reason offered. That little detail didn’t stop me from coming up with a few. I told myself I must’ve done something that disappointed him. If not that, then maybe it was something he heard about me from other people. That led to, “we couldn’t have been real friends anyway if he moved on without a conversation about it.” And with my ego in full effect, I dismissed the many contributions he made to my life over the years and made him wrong instead. This was my pattern for years.

It wasn’t until I went to a seminar 8 years ago that I learned I am in control of my emotions. The stories I make up and pass on as truth is what traps me in feelings of blame, shame, guilt and victimhood. And from there my ego takes over and I react by judging, condemning, withdrawing and putting up a wall in my heart against my friend and others in the future.

Lecturer and philosopher, Joseph Campbell said, “Life is without meaning. You bring the meaning to it.” For a person who wants to send love out into the world, I had to change the stories I make up about people and events. Why not create one about my friend that doesn’t pass blame on either of us for the disconnection? Instead think and speak about the friendship in a way that honors us and acknowledges him for the contributions he made to my life.

The truth is we don’t always know why things happen. And even if we did, does it really matter? The event happened and the past can’t be changed so focus on what you can control which is the present. Create empowering and loving stories that leave you and others whole. And extend people grace when they make mistakes or choose a different path. When you do, you rid yourself of negative energy and distraction. You expand your capacity to exude love and receive it. And it’s all about love. How awesome is that?!


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There Are No Unknowns

150Keith JonesDecember 8, 2015

The truth that “There Are No Unknowns” is a paradigm shift in human thought that immediately rescues me from anxiety and stress around any situation. It is a powerful declaration that swiftly takes me from fear to a space of positive possibility. I am left feeling empowered.

This is how it works. Take any area of your life in which you feel a loss of power, fear, or anxiety and consider why you feel as you do. Most likely, the most paralyzing reason you feel stopped is the unknown. You have no idea what is next and what might happen. Quickly move past that to the space of what you do know. You know who you are at your core and who you are capable of being. This is where your power lies.

Here is one example of the declaration in action.

Example: You are going through a divorce and faced with moving out of a home you lived in throughout your marriage. It is a place where your children took their first steps. The walls are filled with pictures of your family vacations and birthdays. And the family room hosted years of birthday parties and was where Friday movie night took place.

Your fear: What house could possibly be better than this house? Where will I move? Will the kids like it? The current house is so close to the kids’ school. I love my neighbors and neighborhood. The unknown has you filled with anxiety and stress.

Solution: There Are No Unknowns. What you do know is that the house you choose, you will love it. You will transform it into a home. You will be happy in it and the kids will have great fun there. As an amazing parent, you will create it to be a place where the kids feel safe and win. And if you are a part of community like 2BeRe-U, you will have friends to help you decorate and make your home the perfect place for your new beginning.

You can apply this powerful declaration to every life situation you are faced with. If you want specific ways of how to do so, send us an email. And we will create a brand new outlook for you.

Remember, There Are No Unknowns!


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C is for Connection and Community: Tryst Cafe and 2BeRe-U

150Keith JonesDecember 6, 2015

I get very excited whenever a connection blossoms into community. This happened a few months ago when I began working with Lisa Khnanisho on her goals to take her body and fitness to the next level. Lisa is owner of Tryst Cafe, an organic food restaurant that over delivers on unique, tasty food, exceptional service and a cool vibe. The menu and staff alone are enough to keep me going back. It’s Lisa’s values which are imprinted into Tryst Cafe’s culture that has me telling all my friends about it and her.

Lisa demonstrates her commitment to community through her business practices. She strives to source the restaurant’s ingredients locally and organically. Being sensitive to patrons’ varying nutritional needs, most of Tryst Cafe’s menu can be prepared gluten-free.

Like 2BeRe-U, Lisa’s overarching mission is to serve humanity. One of the ways she does it is by providing a venue where people can connect while enjoying an incredible meal. I have experienced this firsthand. From day one, I was treated like a friend. She sat with me and took time to get to know me. And learning that I take healthy nutrition seriously, she made great suggestions on what I should consider. The meal I enjoyed that day and every day since has been amazing.

Lisa’s commitment to others goes beyond people who frequent her restaurant. She supports local charities and small businesses. When 2BeRe-U hosted an event in October, Lisa supported us. And she’s become a member of 2BeRe-U and ToBeRe…

Lisa and I are brainstorming ways not only to help each other’s businesses, but to join forces in supporting humanity. I am excited about what the future holds for our Tryst Cafe and 2BeRe-U partnership.

Best in health, Keith

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How Community Can Enrich Your Life

150Keith JonesDecember 4, 2015

Community is defined as a group of people who are connected by durable relations and mutually define the relationship as important to their social identity and practice. As a kid, I recognized the presence of community in my neighborhood, church and school. The communities that inspired me most were those that helped each other grow and served others in the world.

When I founded ToBeRe in 2006, my mission was to partner with people to create a group that truly cared about each other. It was unimportant to me where anyone came from, what they did professionally, how much money they earned or what they looked like. I wanted to work with individuals who’d strive to be their personal best and be unconditionally supportive and loving in their service to others no matter what challenges might arise. I’ve been fortunate to experience true community. As human beings, we are designed to have connections in our lives. They enrich our world and make life worth living. Sometimes there are periods of struggle within a community. But even those instances provide important growth opportunities that test durability and what it means to be unconditional.

When I think of the communities I am a part of, I smile inside. My heart is full of gratitude for all the people who contribute to my life now and for those who did in the past. I have love for every single person.

All the personal growth I have experienced over the last 10 years has been within my communities. I have learned how to serve others without expecting something in return. I know what it means not to judge and to love unconditionally. I have been taught to differentiate between what a person does and who they are. Their failures don’t define them. I understand that all the good someone does isn’t erased by any mistakes they make. Because of the way I have been compassionately supported, I give people the space and grace to reinvent themselves if they fail in their commitments. And most of all, community has taught me how to love myself first and best. This allows me to more fully love everyone in the world.

Thank you everyone past and present who I have shared community with. You are a gift to me. And if you want to experience true happiness with a loving heart, embrace community. It will change your life in the most amazing ways.

Best in health and life,


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Why You Should Journal

150Keith JonesDecember 2, 2015

Journaling is a powerful exercise that requires only a few resources to practice. All you need is You and something to record your thoughts. I journal each morning and write about everything from things I want to accomplish for the week, setting personal and professional goals and about my deepest thoughts and feelings.

Within 30 minutes of waking up each morning, I go through my Miracle Morning practice of silence, affirmations, visualization, exercise, reading and scribing. This routine sets me up for an awesome day; with scribing being a key component of me connecting deeply with myself in an honest way. What I put on paper is not as important as how truthful I am about it. I list all the tasks I want to complete for the day so by bedtime I can say I am happy with how I performed my waking hours. I document my meals throughout the day to ensure I keep my commitment to optimal health. And I detail my intimate thoughts and feelings about where I am in my life practically and what I am feeling emotionally.

Journaling helps me track my progress and holds me accountable to my goals. Did I complete the project? Am I happy at this moment? If not, why? Have I created a story about myself or someone that is not loving, compassionate or empathetic? Did I honor myself or let myself and others down? How do I feel about myself? Am I on track or am I underachieving? Am I treating others with love and an forgiving heart or am I judging them? What am I most proud of myself for? Am I being of service to others? What am I committed to today that truly contributes to me living my purpose to make a difference in the world?

What makes journaling different than simply thinking deeply is that once the thoughts are written they become real and alive. My documented words are commitments, declarations and courageous expressions of vulnerability. It is as if I am sharing myself with another person even if I am the only one who will ever read it. And when I do this daily and follow up on fulfilled or unfulfilled commitments from the day before, I create powerful accountability with myself. There is no hiding out because I am watching when no one else is.

For years, I made little promises to myself to complete tasks and be a better person. Since I didn’t always share these goals with people, no one else knew if I did them or not because I never told anyone what I was up to. And if I did share a goal with someone, I could either avoid them or make excuses for why it didn’t happen. But when journaling is accompanied with daily follow-up, it’s impossible for me to lie to myself. I can’t look away.

I find journaling in the morning to be essential for me to be my personal best. I encourage you to do it this way too. It allows you to design your entire day before life shows up with obligations and distractions. Even if it’s solely with your positive attitude and intentions, you minimize the chances of being at the mercy of how the day unfolds. You create instead of react. From the healthy foods you will eat to how you will lovingly treat yourself and others throughout the day, you control it all. Simply write it all down and live into your purpose for the day.

Since adding journaling to my morning routine, I am more focused than ever. What I produce daily is incredible. And most importantly I am living in a more connected and honest way with myself. This has expanded my capacity to love. I encourage you to journal daily. It keeps you honest and on track with being your personal best.


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Tips for Avoiding Holiday Office Treats

150Amy FriendNovember 30, 2015

This time of year, the conversation is always the same. It starts with the leftover Halloween candy that people want to get rid of and they think, “Oh, I’ll just take it in to the office to get rid of it”. And, it continues through the holiday season with cookies and baked goodies, Grandma’s care packages, and everyone’s traditional holiday treats that they feel like they have to make every year. A lot of this ends up at the workplace.

If avoiding this endless barrage of treats is a challenge for you, you are going to need a strategy. I would not rely on willpower alone. For many, the nature of willpower is that no matter how much you start out with, its strength will come and go as a function of the demands you put on it. Set specific limits before the temptation is staring you in the face. If you can allow yourself just one bite and that can satisfy you, then stick to it. Personally, I use Brian Johnson’s philosophy, “99% is a Bitch, 100% is a Breeze”. 99% leaves a little wiggle room, enough that could allow you just one bite. If I make it 100% then it’s non-negotiable in my mind. I will not touch anything that my lips may enjoy in the moment but my body will regret in the minutes that follow.

The office is likely a place where you are already subjected to challenges and stress with your work, so it may be even harder to resist Deb’s Delectable Danishes or Paula’s Peppermint Patties. They offer a distraction away from your work but at a cost to your health and fitness goals. Prepare for this!

  • Pack your lunch and food for the work day.
  • Stock your work area with healthy snacks.
  • If cravings attack and it’s not time to eat, consider sipping on some hot tea.
  • Go for a walk. Many of us at computer jobs need to move our bodies anyway.
  • Enlist a co-worker to be your accountability partner, so when those uncontrollable feelings arise you can go for a walk together.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Think about how you would like to feel on New Year’s Day, physically and emotionally. We all have the power and control within us to be strong. Acting powerfully one day makes it easier to act powerfully the next day and eventually it may become a habit that requires no willpower. The question is how much do you want it?


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Create A Powerful Partnership Between You and Your Fitness Coach

150Keith JonesNovember 29, 2015

A fitness coach or personal trainer can help you take your health, fitness and body to the next level. The best ones know their craft, look the part and put the goals of their client first. They ask questions to learn what you want to achieve, develop an action plan for success and create a partnership with you to get there.It is important that you are clear on your goals, commitment to achieve them and your timeframe. Your fitness coach will design a plan based on this information. He will share whether or not your timeframe is realistic or the effort you commit to is adequate to produce the results you want. Perhaps you need more time or will need to work harder to achieve success.

As partners, you both need to be fully committed to each other and prepared for each session. This means showing up rested, properly nourished with healthy choices and highly motivated to create something great together. Remember, this is a partnership so shift any thinking like, “the trainer works for me so I can do as much or as little depending on how I’m feeling.” And the trainer should be so invested in you that all exercises, nutritional suggestions and instruction contribute to your goal.

When I was interested in learning how to swim years ago, I began working with Anne Wilson of Scottsdale-based Camelback Coaching. It is by far one of the best coaching experiences I ever had. In addition to coming to her with an big goal, I brought 37 years of fear of water with me. I was terrified of water and the prospect of drowning. Our first session was a conversation where I shared my fears. And although she worked with champion swimmers at the highest levels, she made me feel like my goal was just as worthy as theirs. I told her that I wanted to do a triathlon in 18 months that included a mile ocean swim. Knowing that I would hyperventilate if I was in water above my knees, she designed a plan for me that included a weekly one hour session with her and 5 days of training on my own. I committed to the 6 days per week. Before leaving I told her one more thing. I said, “I have a possibility I want to share with you regarding this goal. ‘I create the possibility of being powerful in water.’ Anne, this means I will never miss a swim session. And in the event I play small during one of our sessions and allow fear to stop me, please remind me of this fear.” She agreed. Over the next 18 months, she was prepared for every lesson and I trained hard at every session. She encouraged me and gave me targeted instruction to help me get better each week. Each month she videotaped my progress. And I honored her investment in me by following her training plan on the five days per week that I trained alone. I ate healthy and slept seven hours each night. With a fear as big as mine, the last thing I needed was to get into the pool tired. Each morning I meditated and practiced visualization to help me with the fear of water. 18 months later I completed the one mile swim and triathlon. Together, our partnership produced results that continue to serve me today.

You and your fitness coach can achieve big things together if it’s a true partnership. Choose the right coach for you and be the right partner for your trainer. You both deserve each other’s best!


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Coaches Can Help You Win In All Areas of Life

150Keith JonesNovember 27, 2015

Throughout history coaches have played important roles in maximizing the talent and effort of people for hundreds of years. They create game plans and structure for achieving individual and group goals. They motivate and inspire their clients, students and peers. Most folks associate coaches with sports. That is changing. Some of the most successful leaders in the world attribute their achievements to coaches. Whether it be in business, government or community, they partner with people who help them focus and direct their thoughts, words and actions toward producing results in the most effective and efficient ways. Tony Robbins is perhaps the most well known coach in the world. By sharing his own story, connecting with people, using tools he’s developed and putting his clients’ desires first, he has helped thousands of people reach their goals.

I always considered myself a disciplined and goal-oriented person. This produced results in some areas of my life but not all of them. This was sufficient for a time but soon it was no longer good enough. You see, I want to experience “extraordinary” everywhere in my life. To do that, I needed help. Taking a page out of the books of people who inspire me, I began working with coaches.

In a recent interview on the Hal Elrod podcast, Garrett Gunderson, highly successful wealth strategist, shared how he came to partner with coaches. He said that one day his wife told him that while he was successful in business, he was underachieving as a husband and father. He said that his health was less than optimal too. Rather than become defensive, Gunderson looked at what he was doing in his business life to produce results that he wasn’t doing with his personal relationships and fitness. He noticed he didn’t have a mission and a vision statement for these areas. He wrote ones for each. The next step he took was finding coaches for his relationships and health. He allocated time and money on a weekly basis to partnering with people who would take him to the next level.

I have four coaches in my life. They work with me on my personal growth, relationships, health and fitness goals. It’s a partnership where we are completely open and vulnerable with each other. The results over the last six months are astonishing. If you want to have more success in your life, I encourage you to work with a coach in the areas that matter to you most.


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Time to Upgrade?

November 26, 2015

In our younger years, we start collecting information on who we are and how we relate to the world. This information is filed away into our personal database  But unfortunately, many of these files may be negative or outdated. And unless we take the time to upgrade, we may be running on old programing that can hold us back from living into our fullest potential.

Self-talk is a conditioned pattern of thinking. The way we talk to ourselves can be positive or negative, loving or critical. And how we talk to ourselves creates our experiences. Our conditioned ways of thinking, generate emotions and activate behaviors. Our whole way of being, acting and feeling is influenced by how we think and talk to ourselves.

There is always an opportunity to learn, grow and reprogram if we decide to do so. One way, is to be conscious of what we are saying to ourselves throughout the day. You may be surprised at what you find. Write down the top ten negative things you say to yourself and replace them with positive, present tense affirmations.

These affirmations are statements that describe a desired situation or goal, and are often repeated, until they get impressed on the subconscious mind. Keeping your affirmations in the present tense ensures that your subconscious mind goes to work on them right away. Some examples are, “That’s like me to get things done” and “I fuel my body with healthy food, exercise and adequate sleep so I have the energy to conquer my days.”

After you write down the top ten negative things you use to say to yourself and the positive affirmations you are replacing them with, project down the road 10 years. Look at the two “yous” and compare them. Compare the thoughts, feelings and actions of the you that ran the negative thoughts and programming to the you that replaced them with a consistent flow of positive, present tense affirmations. How are these two lives different? Which “you” would you bet on? Which one is happy, more fulfilled and accomplishes more?

You are the director of your life and get to choose how you want to think, talk and live. You get to decide if it’s time to upgrade your old programming. Buddha says, “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.”

Love, Heather

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