Episode 2: Superiority
Does mastery or success entitle us to feel we’re better? Keith and Rick visit about superiority—truth is, there is no such thing, it is ego’s illusion.
Keith’s references:
Wayne Dyer, see www.waynedyer.com. Dyer told readers to pursue self-actualization, calling reliance on the self a guide to “religious” experience. Dyer criticized societal focus on guilt, which he saw as an unhealthy immobilization in the present due to actions taken in the past. He encouraged readers to see how parents, institutions, and even they, themselves, had imposed guilt trips upon themselves. Although Dyer initially resisted the spiritual tag, by the 1990s he had altered his message to include more components of spirituality when he wrote the book Real Magic and discussed higher consciousness in the book Your Sacred Self. He passed away at age 75.
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