My Shift In Mindset
A recent snowboarding trip drove home how a person’s mindset determines their life experience and level of happiness. A simple, but powerful shift in attitude can make all the difference in the world. It was just a few short years ago that situations I once saw as limiting, are now filled with possibilities. Same set of facts, just a different mindset and much better results.
It was early February and I was on a 5-day Tahoe ski trip to celebrate my birthday. My season pass and plane ticket were secured several months earlier. My snowboard was waxed and I was ready to go. Mother Nature had other plans. Rain and 90-100 mph winds shut down all the ski resorts for the week I was in town. To my surprise, I didn’t get upset by this. Instead, I looked for the gift in the situation. The closures gave me lots of time to work on several projects in my ToBeRe queue. I got so much work done on my trip. I left the Tahoe area feeling calm, accomplished and grateful. The old me would have been upset, disappointed and annoyed by it all. These are all useless reactions that don’t produce results and steal away any hidden joy in the moment.
Fast forward a month later, I headed back to Tahoe for round 2 on the slopes. This time the weather was perfect. I had only one goal while on my trip. I wanted to work out one morning before heading to the mountain. Exercising on the road is something that Tim Zencka and Pat Marcanio have inspired me to do. These guys begin every morning away lifting weights or going on a run. Oftentimes it’s before or after a 10-hour work day. Motivated by their example, I did a google search for a quality gym with a squat rack. Everyone knows how committed I am to squats. The only thing I needed was a ride to the gym since I didn’t rent a car. I silenced fear of the unknown, and downloaded the Uber app for my first experience with the service. Tim was right. It was so easy. I was picked up in 2 minutes, at the gym in 8 and working out. My day on the slopes was incredible.
A shift in mindset focused on what’s possible versus limiting thoughts can produce powerful outcomes. The ability to do this didn’t happen overnight for me. This is a skill I’ve had to work on daily. My diligence has paid off in a big way. Here’s how you can do it too:
- Make having a positive outlook, regardless of the situation, important to you.
- Practice awareness of situations in your life. When something occurs that’s not to your liking, try to see the possibilities. What’s the gift in the situation? How can your time best be used? Being upset, frustrated and worried? Or calm, patient and open to possibilities?
- Take action to produce something good in the face of the situation or challenge. In other words, have something positive to show for it.
A positive shift in mindset produces results and helps you grow. You see, the time is going to pass regardless of how you feel about the situation. You have a choice about how your time and energy are spent. You can spend it holding limiting thoughts and beliefs or building a mental skill set that changes your life experience and increases your level of happiness.
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