Episode 83: How to Be Peaceful in Relationships
In this episode, Rick and Keith share how to be peaceful in your relationships. Close connections can be rewarding and also challenging; especially to the ego. They also provide opportunities for growth. As we’ve shared before, the ego is not a fan of this kind of growth. As you continue of the path of being present, kind, and serving, the ego will resist creating internal suffering for you. Rick and Keith discuss how to experience the growth process in a peaceful way.
Consider Daily Journaling
“An arrogant person considers himself perfect. This is the chief harm of arrogance. It interferes with a person’s main task in life — becoming a better person.” — Leo Tolstoy.
To become a better person, more relaxed and in control, reflective, self-monitoring and more compassionate of others, consider journaling. This simple daily habit will likely make you more aware and conscious, as well as a more accurate witness to the reality that is your life.
Brain scientists suggests that the average lifespan of an emotion to move through the nervous system is one and a half minutes. This releases the burden of clinging to our emotional attachments longer than required. Daily journaling helps us make peace with toxic emotions and transform them into healthy ones. Otherwise, they remain ‘stuck’ in our nervous system instead of moving through us. The simple act of writing in our journal on a daily basis helps us to be mindful of the present moment, instead of being caught up in the past or future.
Mindfulness is the way to attain clarity as to what really matters. We become attuned to our emotions instead of allowing them to control us. Eckhart Tolle says that anytime we are emotionally agitated for no reason, we are recollecting unresolved memories and creating a Pain body experience. Journaling brings clarity and resolution.
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