Episode 6: Doing Hard Stuff – Make It a Habit!
In this episode, Rick and Keith provide personal accounts about how they put habits in place to do the hard stuff in life, rather than procrastinate.
Rick’s Reference:
Tony Robbins is one of the most popular and recognizable self-help coaches in the world. He grew up very poor. His stepfather, who was working as a salesman, struggled to take care of the family and often couldn’t even afford to celebrate Thanksgiving or Christmas.
When Robbins was a teenager, his mom wanted him to be a truck driver because he would make twice what his father made, but he ultimately decided to follow his passion instead of chasing the money. He decided that he wanted to grow up helping people in need. A wise decision, since he is now said to be worth half a billion dollars.
He has authored several best-selling books including, Money: Master the Game and Awaken the Giant Within (his best book, in my opinion) and has coached some of the most successful people in the world including Oprah, Andre Agassi, Leonardo DiCaprio and Bill Clinton to name a few. While his coaching style and teaching techniques are controversial, he remains one of the most popular personalities in the world. www.tonyrobbins.com
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