Episode 41: How to Have the Courage Not to Fight Back
Fighting back is a normal reaction for human beings when they think they are being threatened. Sometimes the threat is real. But mostly, the threat isn’t. So how do you quiet the impulse to fight when the more noble and peaceful response is not to fight back? Learn how in this podcast.Fighting back is a normal reaction for human beings when they think they are being threatened. Sometimes the threat is real. But mostly, the threat isn’t. So how do you quiet the impulse to fight when the more noble and peaceful response is not to fight back? Learn how in this podcast.
Keith’s Reference:
Eckart Tolle, best known as the author of The Power of Now and A New Earth: Awakening to your Life’s Purpose. His writing draws from a variety of spiritual traditions, which can be described generally as Buddhism mixed with mysticism. Some regard his philosophy to be a New Age re-working of Zen. His philosophy is based on living in the present moment. His core message is that emotional problems are rooted in the mind’s fantasies. Tolle teaches that an individual should live in “present moments” instead of wasting present moments burdened with anxiety about the past or worry about the future. Only the present moment is important, since and both the past and future exists only in thought. Control of life is an illusion “that only brings pain,” which can be managed through meditation, avoiding multi-tasking, eliminating 24/7 electronic dependency and spending time in nature. Tolle writes extensively about the human ego and its negative effects on personal happiness, particularly in A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose.
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