Episode 37: How to Know Who to Believe
There is so much noise out in the world. And then there’s the chatter that goes on inside each of us. It can be challenging to know who to believe. Listen to Rick and Keith share how they choose who and what to believe.
Keith’s Reference:
Tony Robbins is a recognized authority on the psychology of leadership, negotiations and organizational turnaround, he has served as an advisor to leaders around the world for more than 38 years. www.tonyrobbins.com
Rick’s References:
Wayne Dyer, an important self-help counselor who has written many best sellers including Your Erroneous Zones and Pulling Your Own Strings. www.waynedyer.com
Tara Brach PH. D., is a Buddhist psychologist, author and lecturer. Follow her on www.tarabrach.com. Wonderful insights and guided meditations. Available on- line in audio and video.
Lao Tzu was a Chinese philosopher credited with founding the philosophical system of Taoism. He is best known as the author of the Tao-Te-Ching, the work which exemplifies his thought. The name by which he is known is not a personal name but an honorific title meaning `Old Man’ or `Old Teacher’ and there has been countless speculation as to whether an individual by that name ever existed or whether Lao-Tzu is an amalgam of many different philosophers. The historian Will Durant calls him the greatest of the pre-Confucian philosophers. He is thought to have lived in the 6th century BCE.
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