Episode 8: Embrace the Unknown
In this episode, Rick and Keith talk about how they learned to embrace uncertainty and the unknown. They share how doing so quiets fear and opens the door for new opportunities, experiences and beginnings.
Keith’s reference:
Landmark was founded in January 1991 by several of the presenters of a training program known as “The Forum”. Landmark licensed the intellectual property rights to The Forum from Werner Erhard and Associates. The new company offered similar courses and re-employed many of the staff. The Forum was updated and reduced in length from four days to three, and this revised course was named “The Landmark Forum”, which has been further updated over the years. It has since developed around 55 additional training courses and seminar programs, which it delivers in 20 countries around the world. The core concepts center around self improvement and self- empowerment. www.landmarkworldwide.com.
Rick’s Reference:
Mark Twain, “I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.” He wrote some of the best observations about fellow humans and himself. He was highly controversial at the end of his life for his criticism of organized religion. Mark Twain was a fabulous writer, independent thinker, and quite witty.
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