It’s Easier Than Ever to Become Your Best
When it comes to personal development, this is perhaps the best time in human history to be alive. We are the beneficiaries of centuries of scientific research, human trial and error and advances in technology and medicine. It has never been easier for people to live healthy and happy lives. So it begs the question, why are so many people unhealthy and unhappy? I propose that the answer lies in whether or not a person is committed to personal development. Wayne Dyer says, “A person will not outperform their personal development or habits for long.”
I define personal development as “consistently working on yourself so that you become the best version of you.” A commitment to this will show up in how you love yourself, care for your body and treat others. The bigger priority you place on this in your life, the bigger the reward. You will be healthier, happier and everyone in your life will win bigger. And here’s the kicker, you can achieve and experience all of this for free.
There was a time when the only way to obtain life changing personal development tools and reap their benefits was by hiring a life coach or going to seminars. This can cost thousands of dollars. While totally worth the money, you have other resources at your fingertips that require little to no money. With just an investment of your time and commitment, you can learn from some of the best teachers and coaches on the planet. Every morning, as I’m getting ready for my day, I listen to free podcasts, YouTube or TED videos. For example, if I’m feeling down or overwhelmed by negative self-talk, I do a quick YouTube search for Dr. Wayne Dyer. His videos remind me to be mindful of the things I say to myself and to be loving no matter what is going on in my life.
Personal development is the number one priority in my life. I see it as an opportunity to practice extreme self-care. It’s not about being perfect. Rather, it’s consistently and deliberately working every day to be the best me so that I win and others in my life get the best of me instead of what’s left of me. As a result of making personal development paramount, optimal is the adjective that best describes my health. Positive self-talk is my inner dialogue. Unconditionally loving is how I show up for the people in my life and the strangers I meet. And solution-driven is my mindset when dealing with challenges that come my way.
If you want to operate at your personal best, I encourage you to work on your inner being. It’s never been easier to do. While you’re in the shower, making breakfast or driving to work, put on a podcast. Some of my favorites include OPTIMIZE with Brian Johnson, Les Brown, Tara Brach and Wayne Dyer. Listen with an open mind and watch your life evolve. Mine certainly has.
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