This avocado chocolate pudding is a healhy and delicious treat!
Prep Time- 5 mins Total time- 5 mins
Author: Candy’s Clean Kitchen @2BeRe-U
Recipe type: Dessert
Serves: 5
optional: pistachios, unsweetened shredded coconut, or organic cacao nibs for topping,
Cut open avocados and scoop out the pit. Cut it into large chunks and put into the blender.
Add the cocoa, agave or maple syrup, and almond milk. Blend, starting on low and then moving to high speed until it is smooth.
If the avocados are larger, you will need a bit more of each ingredient. If it is too thick, drizzle in a bit more almond milk. Add more cocoa, agave or maple syrup to taste.
Refrigerate the pudding and serve cold. Top with pistachios, unsweetened shredded coconut, or organic cacao nibs. Enjoy!
Love, Heather
Load CommentsWhen I told Keith and Amy that I was moving to Austin, Texas we were all thrilled about the new possibilities I would create for my life and sad at the same time. Our initial thought was, although we will still be friends and stay in touch, I would no longer be part of the community that we all shared in Scottsdale, AZ. The three of us were actively participating in a community that Keith founded years earlier.
We all share many of the same passions- continuous growth and being our personal best, contributing to the growth, health and happiness of others and treating our bodies extraordinarily so we can function at our highest levels and have the energy and endurance to live out our lives’ purposes.
We had already been working on several exercise projects together in Scottsdale and talked about how we could continue these projects, continue holding each other accountable for being our personal bests and expand the community into limitless territory. This is how we came to create 2BeRe-U, a forum where people can learn and teach about health, fitness, personal development, making a difference and contributing to the lives of others. 2BeRe-U’s vision includes a community where people inspire each other to embrace our humanity. Keith and Amy could contribute from Scottsdale, I could contribute from Austin and anyone else that shares one or all of the same passions could contribute from anywhere in the world. EVERYONE WINS!!!
I love what we have created and I am so excited about the possibilities.
Love, Heather
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Rediscover your best self today through education, wellness and making a difference in your own life while impacting others.
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