Unlock Your Key to a Good Night’s Sleep

150Amy FriendMarch 28, 2016

Are you tired? Are you feeling overwhelmed and overworked? Could it possibly be that you are not getting enough sleep? Can you imagine what it would feel like to have great energy all day long?

We have written about the importance of sleep before, but I would like to build on that concept by sharing a few tips on how to get more rest. Many of us know that we need more sleep! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, recommends that adults ages 18 to 60 get at least 7 hours of sleep per night. Too little sleep increases the risk for a number of health conditions, including obesity, heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. Getting enough sleep allows you to be more alert, more productive and more in control of the daily rituals that you set for yourself. The following are a few tips on how to create your environment to get more sleep and feel great!

Bookend your days by establishing morning and evening rituals.* An hour before bed time, start your nightly routine. Dim the lights, turn down the thermostat, power down your digital devices and stay out of the kitchen! I know, from my own personal experience, if I don’t eat for a couple hours before bed, I will sleep solid and awake feeling refreshed and ready for breakfast! The whole point of an evening routine is to relax your body so that it is ready for sleep. I will, at times, leave the kitchen a mess just to get to bed on time because I know when I wake up I am more productive and ready to take on the world! Save those stressful activities for the morning. They will get done!

I am always the most productive first thing in the morning. I have a ritual that begins with warm lemon water and just a couple minutes of silence, meditation and breathing. Then I shift into high gear, eating a healthy breakfast, exercising and packing my lunch for work. I am in control, feeling strong, and able to tackle anything on my To Do list! I am rested and recharged!

Make exercise a part of your daily schedule. Studies have found that even moderate intensity physical activity reduces the time is takes to fall asleep and increases the length of time sleeping.

What time do you need to get up in the morning? Count back 8 hours and that would be the time to start your nightly routine. This may be challenging at first when you have young kids but the goal would be to get the whole family on a structured schedule. For times when there are activities that prevent you from starting your evening routine on time, plan in advance and find time for the powerful 20 to 30 minute nap. A power nap will boost your memory, cognitive skills and energy level.

And, finally, invest in your sleep environment. You are spending 7 to 8 hours in your bedroom. Make sure you have a good quality mattress and pillow. Consider using room-darkening shades to make for a quiet relaxing environment.  Make sleep a priority and make a plan today for better sleep!

Sweet Dreams, Amy

*Power Sleep by Dr. James B. Maas, per Brian Johnson

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The Wisdom of Jim Rohn Will Motivate You To Achieve More

150Keith JonesMarch 25, 2016

American entrepreneur,  author and motivational speaker Jim Rohn is one of the best personal development communicators of our time. When it comes to motivating people to take action, no one is better. He has mentored or influenced leaders like Tony Robbins and Jack Canfield. I discovered Rohn a year ago and he’s been a game changer for me. Whenever I feel procrastination coming on or a lack of drive, I read his quotes or listen to one of his talks. And just like that, I’m instantly fired up to get to work in a focused and deliberate way.

Last year was challenging for me and some days I had to dig deep to fulfill on my purpose to help people reach their goals. With a mission this big, I couldn’t afford to be operating at a motivation deficit. This is why I now begin every morning with the 2BeRe-U Stronger Daily Rituals (link to that blog) which include training my mind. The wisdom of teachers like Jim Rohn, Wayne Dyer and Marianne Williamson helps with building positive habits like discipline and commitment. After reading one Jim Rohn quote, I am fired up and ready to go.

Here are some of Jim Rohn’s quotes that keep me on track:

  1. When you change, everything will change for you. One area of growth for me is creating wealth so I can help more people reach their goals and be their best. For the longest time, I thought focusing on marketing was a distraction from my actual work with people. This belief cost me. I had to change my thinking for the company to grow and be prosperous for everyone. What is an area you to need to change? Perhaps it’s your health. If you change your eating habits, your health will. If you change your skill level, your income will change. If you refine your attitude and personality, you will attract people who will help you become successful.
  1. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. Anytime  I don’t feel like doing something, I make myself do it anyway. For me, discipline is taking action even when I don’t feel like doing so no matter what the reason in. Each time I do this, I get closer to my goal. Apply discipline to areas of your life where procrastination is often a problem.
  1. Success is nothing more than a few disciplines practiced every day. Life can be overwhelming when you consider all the things that show up on your daily to do list. Exercise, kids, work, finish a project, eat healthy and more. It can be so much. The key is focusing on one thing at a time. Do exercise first thing in the morning, then move on to taking care of the kids. And work your way down the list. Apply a little discipline to each task and you’ll see big progress.
  1. Don’t join an easy crowd, you won’t grow. Go where the expectations and the demands to perform are high. This is one of my favorites. I constantly look at my circle. What is their daily conversation about? Is it about gossip or possibilities? Is it judgmental or forgiving? And is depressing or inspiring, even when times are challenging? My crowd is loving, inspiring and full of possibilities. I hope yours is too.
  1. Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want. I didn’t begin practicing this principle until 5 years ago. I wasn’t grateful for what I had. As a result, I was very unhappy. I didn’t know how to appreciate things as they were while working toward my goals. My friend Tim provided an excellent example on how to do this when his family dynamic changed. I am now following his lead on being happy with what I have while pursue more of life that makes me happy.

Please check out Jim Rohn’s many motivating quotes. They are game changers. Send us your favorite quotes and they may appear on our Facebook page. And if you love beginning your day with a little inspiration, become a stronger total being member today to gain access to our stronger mindset videos.

Stronger Mindset


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Your Dreams: 3 Steps To Overcoming The Critics

150Keith JonesMarch 23, 2016

Dare to dream big and act on your dreams. Don’t allow anyone to talk you out of them; including you. Tell yourself every day that you’re talented, brilliant and amazing. Then take at least one action each day that steadily converts your best ideas into reality. Before you know it, you’ve created something great.

Our society tells us at an early age what we can’t do and what we shouldn’t do. Well meaning people in our lives tell us to be responsible and play it safe. Oftentimes they project their fears onto us. They say, “don’t you dare waste your time going out for the basketball team. You aren’t tall enough and you’re too slow. Don’t you dare try out for the musical. You can’t sing or dance. Don’t wear those clothes. You don’t have the body for it and you have no fashion sense. Don’t trust those people. They will hurt you.” So we grow up to be adults who live life afraid. We spend more time thinking about why we can’t or shouldn’t do something rather than why we should. But what if we changed the conversation to one that is full of possibilities? What if we replaced all of the reasons that limit our potential with declarations that we will act on our goals as if success was the only possible outcome? You would change the world if this was your default mindset.

One thing all human beings experience is failure. We don’t always get the result we initially set out for. And sometimes we let people down along the way. Don’t let this stop you from getting up off the mat or reinventing yourself. Use the event as a learning experience to pivot, revise your plan and grow. In my mission to change the world by helping people reach their goals, I’ve made mistakes. To some people my failings were unforgivable. I didn’t let this stop me. Instead, I chose to grow from the situation, work even harder and double down on my dream.

Here are three steps that will transform your big dreams into reality.
1. Shut out all critics. If someone doesn’t support your dream or goal, they get no say in what you do. And if the negativity is coming from you, silence it by saying, “thank you for sharing, but I am choosing to moving forward with this.”
2. Get informed and take action. Seek evidence and information that shows what you want to do has been done before. If that’s not available, no worries. You get the distinct privilege of being the first. And if you need motivation along your journey, read up on people who did the impossible. Ghandi, Thomas Edison, Neil Armstong, Amelia Earhart, Jesse Owens, Richard Bannister, Billie Jean King, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mother Teresa, Ray Charles and Steve Jobs are just a few who did what people said they couldn’t.
3. Commit fully. Will Smith said he doesn’t have a plan B because it distracts from plan A. Make working on your dream non-negotiable. Act on it each day no matter what. There’s only one option. Realize it.

No matter what you’ve been told or what you’ve said to yourself, today is a new day. Make a choice this very moment to play big and pursue your goals. It doesn’t matter what happened before. The only thing that does is that your dream doesn’t die inside of you. Dare to dream big and act upon those dreams.


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Inflammation – The Good and The Bad

150Amy FriendMarch 21, 2016

Are you suffering from aches and pains, swollen joints, fatigue and allergies that seem to be getting worse? If so, your body may be trying to tell you something. These are all signs of inflammation. It is a vital part of the body’s immune response and the way your body heals injuries by repairing damaged tissue. These acute symptoms are clear – localized heat and swelling with a quick onset. Once the inflammation has done its job in healing, it subsides.

Inflammation becomes chronic when lifestyle factors such as excess weight, poor diet, lack of exercise and stress become an issue over time. It has been said that chronic inflammation is the root cause of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and arthritis.

For those of us who exercise on a regular basis, our bodies respond with inflammation to build healthy strong muscles when resistance training type exercises tear muscles down. In these circumstances, inflammation is a good thing. However, we need to be careful that we don’t over-train. Factor in rest days to allow your body to reset. It will not burn fat as efficiently when inflammation is constantly trying to heal you.

As with most everything, I always encourage everyone to take a look at their diet first. There is so much we can do to prevent disease and to heal the body through good nutrition. Eat anti-inflammatory foods; such as tomatoes, avocados, blueberries, green leafy vegetables, and salmon. Limit or avoid pro-inflammatory foods like refined sugars and processed foods.

As far as supplements, I highly recommend Turmeric in order to ward off the long-term effects of hidden inflammation. Curcumin, is the most active constituent in turmeric and modulates the body’s inflammatory response at the molecular level, inhibiting, suppressing, and down regulating the expression of a number of pro-inflammatory molecules1. Alternatively, you could use the spice called Turmeric which is also found in Curry Powder. Personally, I don’t think you will experience the therapeutic benefits of Turmeric without taking the supplement unless you enjoy cooking with the spice every day.

Omega-3 fish oils are possibly the most well-known of all natural anti-inflammatory compounds. The fatty acids EPA and DHA found in fish oil have been shown to suppress the production of pro-inflammatory prostaglandins (hormone-like substances in the body), while promoting the production of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins.

And, finally, exciting new research is showing that the good bacteria in probiotics may significantly help in subduing inflammation. One study found that Lactobacillus rhamnosus in particular lowered C-reactive protein levels (CRP), a marker of inflammation.2

Listen to your body and pay attention to those aches and pain. Just being educated on inflammation will put you in an informed position to be proactive. Eat well, hydrate, sleep and give your body the rest that it needs.


1 Jurenka J. “Anti-inflammatory Properties of Curcumin, a Major Constituent of Curcuma longa: A Review of Preclinical and Clinical Research.” Alternative Medicine Review. 2009(14)2:141-151

2 Kekkonen R, Lummela N, et al. “Probiotic intervention has strain-specific anti-inflammatory effects in healthy adults.” World J Gastroenterol. 2008;14(13): 2029-2036.

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Learn to Love Exercise

March 20, 2016

You see the ads everywhere. How to get a Rockin’ Booty or Hot Abs. And while wanting an attractive physical appearance has been present for me, it hasn’t been my main motivation to exercise. For me personally, it’s more about the positive internal experience and how it allows me to live out my purpose. This has helped me to consistently maintain a successful workout regimen, and I have learned to love exercise.

I want to jump out of bed with lots of energy, be more focused in my work and relationships so I can live out my life’s goals of having great connections and helping others. This internal conversation opens the door for me to love exercise and allows me to be super present and connected to the experience.

Whatever our motivation, research tells us being active is great for us on many levels. Listed below are some of the incredible benefits that come with daily movement.

  • Increases energy levels and serotonin in the brain, thus improving mental clarity
  • Stimulates various brain chemicals that leave you feeling happier and more relaxed
  • Releases endorphins into your bloodstream leaving you feeling energized
  • Improves your muscle strength and boosts your endurance
  • Delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues
  • Helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently
  • Prevents excess weight gain and helps maintain weight loss
  • Boosts high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or “good” cholesterol and decreases unhealthy triglycerides
  • Decreases your risk of cardiovascular diseases
  • Helps you fall asleep faster and deepens your sleep
  • Strengthens your muscles, increases flexibility, and improves your overall performance

Learn to love exercise.

Love, Heather

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The Benefits of Doing Squats

150Keith JonesMarch 19, 2016

Squats are a fundamental exercise for optimal fitness and strength building. I always say, “If there’s only one exercise you can do during a strength training session, it has to be squats.” They require no equipment and can be performed anywhere. I make time for them in my weekly workouts.

Squats offer so many benefits. In addition to building and toning leg muscles, they promote body-wide muscle growth by creating an anabolic environment. When executed properly, they awaken the central nervous system and increase blood flow throughout the body. They improve functionality so you can perform real life activities better and easier. They help burn more fat too. For every pound of muscle gained by doing exercises like squats, your body burns an additional 50-70 calories per day.

Other benefits include:
• Stronger mobility and balance
• Stronger core and flexibility
• Stronger sports performance
• Better looking body

To reap the benefits of squats, proper form is required.
1. Warm up with stretching.
2. Stand with feet shoulder width apart.
3. Keep your back in a neutral position, chin up and knees over your feet.
4. Squat down slowly bending your knees, hips and ankles to a 90 degree angle or a bit lower.
5. Drive through the heels as you return to the starting position. Repeat the movement for the number of sets and reps required to meet your goal.
6. Be sure to inhale your breath as you go down and exhale on the way up as you return to the starting position.

If squats are a part of your weekly routine, keep it up! If not, consider adding them for a stronger workout, stronger performance and stronger you.


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3 Steps To Solve Any Problem

150Keith JonesMarch 18, 2016

There is no problem so big that it can’t be solved as long as you’re open to positive possibilities. I know this first hand. Whenever I’ve been certain that I was right about how something should go, it’s usually meant I was closed minded to alternative solutions. This almost always led to unnecessary struggle and suffering. Since I am not a big fan of pain, I came up with 3 things you can do to solve any problem no matter what it is.

1. Stay focused on the objective. Oftentimes, we are so invested in handling things our old way that we don’t see a better way right in front of us. Case in point, over the last six months, I have been shooting and producing cooking videos for 2BeRe University. On more than one occasion, Amy suggested I try shooting the video from a different angle. I argued that it was impossible due to equipment limitations. Well last month, she mentioned it again. This time I actually listened and tried something different. And wouldn’t you know, she was right. It turns out that the equipment wasn’t limited at all. It was just me and my thinking. Had I been more focused on the objective of getting the best possible camera shot for the viewer, I would have listened to Amy sooner and saved myself a lot of time and frustration.

2. Give up your ego and ask for help. If you’re stuck or progress is slow, don’t let pride or ego tell you that you have to figure it out by yourself. After giving it the old college try, share the challenge with someone more knowledgeable and resourceful. And, if that person isn’t available, talk to a friend who is an excellent goal achiever and problem solver. They will come through for you.

3. View any problem or challenge as part of the journey. Knowing that slow progress or even failure is part of the process helps you maintain perspective. If you don’t figure it out today, no worries. Take action tomorrow by doing more deep work on it. You’ll get there as long as you’re consistent in your efforts and keep the big picture in mind.

Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the consciousness that created it.” There is a solution to every problem as long as you’re open. And any goal can be achieved if you’ll do whatever it takes to reach it. Make a commitment today to live this way!

Stronger Mindset,

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How to Create Awesome Out of Any Situation You Fear

150Keith JonesMarch 16, 2016

We are biologically designed to gravitate towards fear when faced with challenging situations. It’s in our nature. It helped humankind survive in ancient times when confronted by life threatening dangers like wild animals and disease. And although those same threats aren’t present for most people, we still choose to live our lives in fear.  And doing so can compromise your health, happiness and life experiences. It doesn’t have to be that way. I am here to tell you that you can create awesome out of every situation no matter what it is.

Here are 5 things you can do to shift from fear to awesome:

  1. Be present to your thoughts. If you experience a feeling of fear, notice it. Ask yourself why you’re feeling that way. In most cases it’s because you’re dwelling on the past or worried about the future. You can’t change the past so let that go. And when it comes to what could happen, consider you have some say in it and this is where you can alter how you respond to the situation and experience it. The key is to stay present.
  2. Read something positive. Listen to something positive. Talk to someone positive. Whenever fear tries to surface for me, I listen to inspirational teacher Wayne Dyer and call my close friends to help me shift my mind to positive thoughts. Dyer effectively reminds me that my thoughts are powerful and that if I change my thoughts, I change my life. My closest friends provide a safe place for me to be vulnerable and share what’s going on. They have no tolerance for victimhood which is great. They simply help me choose a positive attitude and create an action plan to respond to the situation.
  3. Detach yourself from what you fear will happen or what you might lose. Deepak Chopra says when we are in our mother’s wound, we have everything we need physically, mentally and emotionally. It’s after we are born that people place an identity on us. We are given a name and told by society and our environment what’s important. So we become attached to our bodies, material possessions, careers, reputation and what people think of us. It’s the fear of losing these things that takes us further away from who we really are and our purpose. So we spend our entire lives defending this false identity. If you want to rid yourself of fear, detach from anything that’s not your loving authentic self. This is where freedom is.
  4. Replace fear with curiosity. The more you know the facts about something, the better you are with handling it in a way that is a win win for all involved. If you’re going through a divorce, a fear based move would be to get an attorney to protect you from potentially losing material things. A powerful and loving move would be to talk to people who divorced amicably and are awesome parental partners to their children. Become curious about how they did it. If you’re dealing with an IRS matter, educate yourself thoroughly on tax law so you can respond timely and effectively. Talk to people who have successfully resolved similar inquiries.
  5. Know that whatever happens, you will create awesome from it and maintain it by repeating steps 1-5 whenever fear tries to run your life.

Every situation comes bearing gifts. Choose to see it that way and you will win every time. Create awesome.


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Conserve Willpower With Healthy Habits

150Amy FriendMarch 14, 2016

“I wish I had more willpower.” How often do we hear this? The reality is that we all have a finite amount of willpower. It’s how we choose to use it that determines whether we run out of it and indulge, or if we are able to remain strong in the face of temptations.

Willpower is the ability to ignore temporary pleasure or discomfort in pursuit of a longer-term goal. It is a biological function. It is a mind-body response, not a virtue. Anyone using willpower constantly for multiple tasks will have less resolve to make better choices.

Self-control depletes willpower in much the same way that exercise will temporarily diminish your physical energy. It comes down to a battle between your rational side that wants to control what your emotional side wants – it’s not really a fair fight, as emotions are a more powerful driver of decisions than reason. You will be able to handle challenges in the short-term, but at the first sign of trouble or stress, your resolve may crumble along with any new behaviors and habits that haven’t been firmly established.

Practicing healthy habits consistently over time can conserve willpower for times when it’s really needed. Think of it this way. You start each day with a full charge, especially if you’ve gotten a good night’s sleep and eaten a healthy breakfast. As the day goes on your supply of willpower goes down. Brian Johnson, with Optimal Living, shares some things that you can do to save that willpower for when you really need it.

  • Eat healthy, Rest and Meditate. We are much more likely to make poor nutritional food choices when we are hungry or tired. Plan in advance when your willpower reserves are at their highest to organize your meals for the day. Meditating can be thought of as conditioning your brain to handle adverse stimuli and allow you to focus more effectively.
  • Pre-commit – Decide in advance how you are going to deal with specific challenges as they arise. Studies have found that writing or journaling in advance about how you are going to overcome obstacles has helped people succeed, even after a previous task may have depleted their willpower.
  • Tidy Up – Strive to make your home and work areas as neat and clean as possible. The feeling of being organized puts you in control; thus conserving willpower.
  • Bright lines – Making decisions black and white creates an environment where you do not have to negotiate with yourself all the time. Either it falls between your bright lines or boundaries that you set for yourself or it doesn’t. This makes it easy and takes no self-constraint. For example, I have a “zero policy” when it comes to fast food, soda and sugary processed foods. I don’t eat these things, so there is no negotiating going on in my head. I am saving my willpower for an unexpected situation that may arise.

Make it a game and play offensively. Use your finite willpower to create great habits! Write these habits down today!


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