I made a lot of progress on big projects the last few months. I can point to a few philosophies that are responsible for this. One is the tried and true “be consistent” approach. The other one is the newly embraced attitude, “Fail Fast and Fail Often”.
Whenever I made gains on goals in the past, it was by consistently working at it. No matter how uncomfortable, painful or frustrating it was, I kept at it. Even if I procrastinated getting started on it, I would get to it later that day and work on it. With “Fail Fast and Fail Often”, I understand that failure is a part of the process and that it should be embraced. It produces deep learning that often only comes from experience. And for the perfectionist in you, it moves you past the attitude that “everything has to be perfect” before you can get started or continue.
Here’s how to apply “Fail Fast and Fail Often” in your life:
1. Select a project, goal or skill you want to show significant progress on or exhibit mastery.
2. Define what progress and mastery mean for you. Set this as your end result.
3. Commit a certain amount of time per day to work on it. This brings in the consistency element. It’s key because you get better at your craft by working on it each day. You have to work on it over and over to improve to the highest level.
4. Outline what you need for your goal. If you don’t have all the tools, get started with what you have. For example, if you don’t have the latest software, use what you have. If you can’t go to school to learn the new skill, try to find it on the internet so you can get started now. YouTube is a great resource.
5. Start! Begin working on the goal and skill immediately.
6. “Fail Fast and Fail Often”. Know that you will make mistakes along the way. And that’s welcomed because it accelerates the learning process. Keep working on your goal and new skill often because repetition produces extraordinary progress.
7. Keep doing step 6 until you reach mastery.
I am currently applying the “Fail Fast and Fail Often” approach to video editing. I have never taken a course for this. All I have are online tutorial videos, my computer and video clips to produce the movie. Going in with the Fail Fast, Fail Often mindset makes the task of learning how to edit video at a high level achievable. Because failure is part of the journey and key to mastery, I look forward to working toward this goal.
I invite you to pick a goal or skill to master and apply this approach to everyday for the next two weeks. Commit 20 to 60 minutes to it. You will have more fun along the way and accomplish your objective faster.
Load CommentsThere is only one you. You’re an original. No two people have the same fingerprints or DNA code. We are individuals born with originality.What we have inside to offer to the world is different from anyone else. The people who know this and express it through their personality and work are some of the most fulfilled people on earth. By taking what’s uniquely theirs, they are true to themselves and not swayed by the opinions or judgments of others. What freedom! And when they use their exclusive gift to serve others, they experience a happiness and joy that’s second to none.
So if we are all born with originality, why do most people settle for being average or being like everyone else instead of sharing their unique talents? After birth, several things happen to take us farther and farther away from what makes us special. Well-meaning people tell us what we should be doing instead of supporting us in what we want to do. If you want to grow up and be a singer, you might be told you don’t have the voice, face or body for it. We believe it and take another path. The other thing that happens is we begin to care what other people think about us. Being liked and not being judged becomes more important than doing what makes us dance inside. So we pursue work and material things that other people think we should have. This only leads to an average life where your dreams die inside of you.
Well, there’s great news. No matter where you are on your journey or career path, you can pivot and begin expressing your talent again. Pick up a paint brush. Grab your guitar. Develop that business idea. It’s not too late. Here are three steps to becoming an original once more.
1. Close your eyes and think about what you can do that no one else can do quite like you can.
2. Share it with a friend and ask them to support you with a goal that expresses your unique gift. If you want to sing, then sing. Pick a song or write one and perform a little each week for your friend.
3. Take action weekly. Find an art class and go every week. No money. No problem. Take a free online class by watching YouTube videos on art.
You are awesome so don’t settle for being average anywhere in your life. Find people who support you, rather than judge. And lastly, be you. You’re one of a kind!
If you want help tapping into your originality, try coaching with 2BeRe-U today.
Be Stronger,
Opportunity is all around you and it’s constantly knocking. If you don’t see or hear it, it’s because you’re not looking and listening. Trust me, it’s there. The first step in taking advantage of opportunity is recognizing it when it shows up. The next step is taking action with hard work.
The key to being present to opportunity is an open and strong mindset. What does that look like? First, you have a beginners mind versus one of an expert. The latter hears almost everything from the space of “that idea won’t work, I’ve already tried that or that’s not better than what I’m already doing”. They only consider one to two things they can do differently to produce the result they want. But the mind of the beginner is a totally different thing in every way. It is open and coachable. It sees hundreds, if not thousands of possibilities in every opportunity.
This brings us to the next step in running with the opportunities life gives us. The saying goes, “When opportunity knocks, hard work answers the door”. That’s right. It’s not enough to simply see good fortune. You have to do something with it. Take the gift and apply hard work to it and you will realize the full potential of it. For most of my life, I couldn’t swim. Many people offered to help me. I made up excuses all the time of why I couldn’t do it. Then one day, I shifted my mindset and said yes to a teacher. To accomplish my goal of swimming a mile in the ocean, I had to apply hard work. I met with the instructor one hour per week each Friday. Then five other days of the week, I practiced the drills she gave me for an hour each day. The opportunity my coach gave me combined with my hard work produced astounding results. I did more than complete the triathlon swim. I disappeared a fear of water and learned a skill I will have the rest of my life.
Look around you. Who and what are the opportunities you’re ignoring in your life? What are you allowing to distract you? If you want great health, fitness and a toned body, the community that can help you achieve it is probably right in front of your face. Get present to it. If you want to shift careers or grow your business, the mentor who can help you pivot and accomplish your goal is probably already someone you know. Clear your life of distraction so you can partner with them. And once you’ve done these things, commit to the hard work it takes to produce extraordinary results. It will be worth it.
If you want to take your life to the next level, click here to begin one on one coaching with me today.
Be Strong!
Load CommentsWhile many meal plans for losing weight focus on restricting calories and giving you a long list on foods not to eat, research is finding that building the list of foods that we can eat, specifically several servings of fruits and vegetables per day is the best strategy for shredding pounds.
The key is to focus on foods that have a low calorie density. So what exactly does this mean? Calorie density is the number of calories in a given weight of food. Low-calorie-dense foods have fewer calories per bite. They also tend to be higher in satiety, which means they are high in water, fiber and nutrients. Bulk is what fills you up, and by eating foods low in calorie density you can avoid hunger.
One of the most common questions that I am asked, in regards to our 2BeRe-U nutritional recommendations are “Why do I need to be careful when it comes to nuts?” While packed with vitamins and heart healthy fats, they are high in calories. For those of us who struggle with portion control and/or emotional eating, nuts may not be a good choice to have in your daily diet. One ounce of almonds (20 to 24) has approximately 164 calories. Having knowledge about calorie density will help you understand why nuts and other calorie dense foods should only be considered in moderation for weight loss goals.
As the scale below shows, it is recommended to avoid or limit those foods over 920 calories/pound. One can easily do this by eating lots of fresh vegetables, salads filled with greens and veggies, a controlled portion of starchy vegetables, intact whole grains and legumes without the addition of salt, sugar, fat and oil.
Principles of Calorie Density
By modifying your daily nutrition plan to follow some of the calorie density principles, you will help to ward off hunger pains. Go ahead! Fill your plate — with low calorie dense foods and ENJOY!
Note: Calorie density (more calories per weight) is not the same as nutrient density (more nutrients per calories by weight). You want to aim for lower calorie density, but higher nutrient density.
Load CommentsOne of the most common injuries people experience is to the lower lumbar of the back. Almost anything can trigger it. If a person is sedentary for long periods of time, they can experience low back discomfort. If they pick up something heavy off the ground without using their legs to assist with the lift, their back might lock up. And if excellent form isn’t adhered to when exercising, the lower back could become inflamed.
For a few people, medical intervention might be required to help ease back pain. But for the majority of us, we don’t have to accept the pain. We can do something to heal the injury and become stronger. Consistent exercise and healthy nutrition directly affect your lower back. If you focus on those two areas and get quality sleep each night, you will reap the benefits.
Here are three exercises to strengthen your lower back.
1. Deadlifts. This exercise can be performed with a weightlifting bar or a broomstick. The weight used is not nearly as important as the movement itself. Here’s how you do a deadlift with proper form. First, stand with your mid-foot under the bar. Don’t touch it with your shins yet. Second, squat down to a parallel position with a flat back. With a narrow grip about shoulder-width apart, grab the bar and pull it to your shins. Third, lift your chest. Straighten your back. Take a deep breath in, hold it and exhale as you stand up with straight arms and shoulders down. Repeat for 10-12 repetitions.
2. Plank. The basic plank is simple. Assume a modified push-up position with your elbows bent 90 degrees and both forearms resting on the floor. Position your elbows directly underneath your shoulders and look straight toward the floor. Your body should form a perfectly straight line from the crown of your head to your heels. Try to hold the plank for one minute.
3. Abdominal Crunches. Lay flat on your back. Places your hands under your head. Bend your knees and bring them to a 90 degree angle. Tighten your abdominal muscles. Raise your head and shoulders off of the floor. Hold for three deep breaths, then return to starting position. Repeat the movement for a total of 20 repetitions. Do 3 sets of 20 reps.
The lower back is important for strong athletic performance and everyday functionality. Give it the priority it deserves by training it multiple times a week. Your feel better and operate at a higher level when you do. Learn about other great exercises like these by Stronger Total Being Member today.
Be Stronger!
Have you ever met someone who only had kind and loving words to say about other people? I think that’s one of the highest compliments you can pay someone. I wonder how they got that way. Were they born like that or did they work at it? Whichever category they fall in, I am inspired by them.
Like most human beings, I am wired to judge people and situations. My ego can’t help itself. It automatically sees a person’s mistakes as major moral failings, rather than small stumbles that come with being human. And if I’m being self-righteous or feel like someone mistreated me, then I go as far as to say, “what goes around, comes around.” People who are loving don’t act this way. They see another person’s challenge through compassionate and empathetic eyes. I strive to be like this.
In their upcoming book, Phil Stutz and Barry Michels share how to get out of “The Maze” of judgment that ego and negative thoughts trap us in. Follow these steps to become a more powerful, loving and compassionate human being.
Step 1. Concentration. Imagine you are surrounded by a warm liquid light that is infinitely loving. Feel your heart expand far beyond you so that you can become one with this love. When you bring your heart back to normal size, this infinite energy compresses itself into your chest. It’s this unstoppable compressed loving force that just wants to give the love away.
Step 2. Transmission. Focus on the person who has triggered your anger or judgment. Visualize their presence. Send all the love in your chest directly to them, hold absolutely nothing back. It’s like completely expelling a deep breath.
Step 3. Penetration. Follow the love as it leaves your chest and when it enters the other person at their solar plexus, don’t just watch it. Feel it enter them. This will give you the sense that you’re actually completely one with them. It erases the distinction between you and them. Now just relax. Feel yourself once again surrounded by infinite love and it will return to you all the love you gave away.
There’s one difference between people who are loving and forgiving when someone makes a mistake compared to people who judge. The former have set a standard for themselves that love is the most powerful energy they can be and give in every situation. They are not swayed by how other people act. What happened doesn’t matter either. They choose love. If someone in your life has done something you feel is unforgivable, don’t judge or abandon them. Give them love. It’s a gift to you both. Learn how to make love your standard by becoming a Stronger Total Being member today.
Stronger Mindset,
Load CommentsWhat can you do today to increase your energy level and get your nutrition back on track? The following are 5 foods that, you may not even be aware, are less than ideal choices. Time for some healthier options!
What is one small dietary change that you can make today? For more great nutrition tips, become a Stronger Total Being member at www.2bere-u.com, and visit the Stronger Nutrition Page.
Load CommentsLife can be hard so you have to be relentless in the pursuit of your goals to make it. Very few people are born with an unflinching determination to work through adversity and setback. I certainly wasn’t. I’ve had to develop this kind of mindset. It’s taken some time and I am still learning how to increase my resolve to fight for my dreams.
I love a great story where the person overcame personal setbacks to reach their goals. And because the world is filled with these special individuals, I have plenty of people to learn from. All the motivational and personal growth speakers I listen to each week, Wayne Dyer, Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Brian Johnson and Hal Elrod, triumphed over challenging life circumstances to realize their dreams. And once they made it, they continued doing what got them there. There’s no end game for them. It’s a continuous journey to grow, be happy and serve.
The manual for being successful was written a long time ago. We know what to do. That’s not the issue. It’s the daily practice that people fail at. You must be committed to doing what you don’t feel like doing when you’re tired and the voice in your head tells you “not today” or “it’s okay to change your mind.” That voice you hear isn’t interested in your dreams. It only cares about doing as little as possible even if that means not realizing your dreams. You have to be disciplined and guard against that. Here’s what to do in 3 steps:
1. Make a commitment that you will not quit under any circumstance until you win. Winning means reaching 100% of your goal.
2. Fill your mind with positive thoughts and your life with positive loving people who are on a mission equal to or greater than yours. Any other influences in your life are distractions.
3. Eat healthy and exercise daily. Pursuing your dreams is hard work. You have to be built for it because it’s not a question of “if” challenges will occur, but rather “when” they do, can you mentally and physically handle them? With a healthy and active lifestyle, you can.
Starting today, take on the attitude that you are going to realize your dream no matter what. You’re going to eat healthy and workout whether you’re on vacation or not. You will work to achieve your goals even when other people say you can’t or have given up on theirs. At 2BeRe-U we are big dreamers and goal-setters with a relentless commitment to be our best and inspire you to do the same. Become a Stronger Total Being Member now to achieve your goals and more.
Load CommentsIt’s important to view each day as an opportunity to be a better version of yourself than you were the day before. If you embrace this vision, you increase your chances of living a life of goodness and happiness. Your past, no matter the mistakes you’ve made or hardships you’ve experienced, won’t dictate where you go. It will not be the author of your life. Instead, growth and possibilities will chart your course.
The past is something we can’t change. We can repeat it or learn from it. We can be defeated or inspired by it. And we can be trapped in it or free of it. Which category you fall in depends on what power you give your past. Is your past the author of your continuing life story or is it your loving and optimistic nature to be more, do more and contribute more that’s writing your life story?
From childhood through my mid thirties, I allowed my past to influence my life. Filled with anger and hatred towards a stepfather who struggled with alcoholism, I worked to be everything he wasn’t. The way I spoke, set goals and treated people was a reaction to my past with him. I didn’t share myself with anyone for fear of judgment. I trusted no one because I thought it would lead to heartbreak. And I judged everyone because I didn’t know how to forgive. While there were personal and professional achievements along the way, I wasn’t really happy and I didn’t make anyone’s life truly better. How could I when I was allowing my past to dictate how I operated in life.
When I chose a loving mindset that focuses on being better and doing good, my life changed. First, I stopped being a victim. I immediately got love and compassion for my stepfather and everyone else who’s come into my life, whether for a life or a season and moved on. Second, I began working on who I’d like to become instead of defending who I was. I didn’t have to be the kid who survived an abusive childhood. And you, you don’t have to be someone with a weight problem, spouse who was cheated on or person abandoned by friends. You can be a human being who loves and forgives everyone, including yourself, and gives people the space to reinvent themselves. Third, I took control over what I allowed into my life. This included my thoughts; whether they would be positive and loving or negative and judgmental. What I read and listened to became important to me. It had to be something that inspired me to be better, not stagnant or cynical. And the people in my life would be loving, kind and giving. There would be no room for a trouble past.
Who is dictating the life you’re living? Is it a past filled with stories of heartbreak from parents, friends or former partners? Is it loss of a loved one, your reputation or material possessions? Whatever the case, you get to choose the author. Be bold and write a new story full of love, contribution and service. You’ll be happier for sure.
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